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U2gigs (@u2gigs)

Matt: Berlin / Ax: Wollongong / Matkin: Toronto / Chris: NY

The below is an off-site archive of all most tweets posted by @u2gigs ever

May 26th, 2011

Nothing live yet, but @EdgeFest is trying to get us a stream. PS, Space Oddity. http://twitcasting.tv/ed…

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

People starting to complain about cell phone reception in the Stadium. #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Our article on the concert can be found here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… not long until showtime! #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

RT @Adam_Toy: Snowbirds just gave U2 a welcome. And some jets flew overhead. #u2360wpg

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

RT @joshayersdrums: according to U2 Manitoba is a state…which it’s not, and also Winnipeg is spelt with 2 “n’s” not one. #U2Wpg #U2360Wpg

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

RT @ChrisDca: Is Winnipeg at least spelled correctly on the official T-shirts? #U2Wpg #U2360Wpg

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

HeavyMonoE @u2gigs Larry plays Basil, Edge plays Sybil, Adam plays Polly, and Bono plays Manuel.

 via web (retweeted on 3:16 AM, May 30th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

_Dream_Out_Loud @u2gigs bono is Basel. Always lying through his teeth to the paying public telling them that everything is fine.

 via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 3:15 AM, May 30th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

pabloidz @u2gigs all i can think about is who’s gonna play Manuel =D

 via HootSuite (retweeted on 3:14 AM, May 30th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

ewines @u2gigs Bono-Basil, Larry-Polly, Edge-Manuel, Adam-Sybil

 via Tweetbot for iPhone (retweeted on 3:12 AM, May 30th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Time for the question of the day! U2 have been cast in a remake of Fawlty Towers; who do they play? #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Evening everyone! What time is it in the world? #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

The Fray have taken the stage; thanks @hjwallace1 #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

RT @bigblue1ca: @ctvwinnipeg Osborne St underpass is closed and wesrbound traffic on Jubilee is backed up to Osborne. #U2wpg #U2360wpg

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

@EdgeFest I tried often but at 90% networks were down. Good luck and enjoy the concert :-)

 via U2gigs (Matt) in reply to EdgeFest from Berlin, Berlin

@atu2 hopefully the network will be ok later. Don’t forget you must restart the stream with this service every 30 minutes @EdgeFest // Matt

 via Twitter for iPhone in reply to atu2

EdgeFest Glad to hear feed sounds good! Conserving battery for tonight - more after 9pm local!

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:24 AM, May 30th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

On a side note, I like that #U2360WPG is only one hour behind Ontario; maybe I won’t fall asleep this time!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Seems as if they are really concentrating on Magnificent with these new elements. Have rehearsed it three times so far

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Amazing quality on that stream; can’t wait for tonight! Thanks @EdgeFest!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

U2 checking Magnificent again. #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

RT @monicabernadsky: Wearing popmart tour tshirt to get in the mood for tonight. Not that mood needs any boosting #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Robbie_J @u2gigs: little known #U2 fact. Last time they played #WPG in ’97, Edge had a bad case of the flu. He told me so after the gig. #U2360WPG

 via UberSocial (retweeted on 12:10 AM, May 30th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

EdgeFest Bono checking now. Magnificent…

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:09 AM, May 30th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

RT @hiattb: Did I mention that Turn Off the Dark got a standing ovation Friday night?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

EdgeFest But the real news is… U2s First Lady is here - the REAL Mrs The Edge… He walked in with Morleigh :D pic later (on camera not phone)

 via Twitterrific (retweeted on 11:47 PM, May 29th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

RT @hjwallace1: U2 just arrived #u2360WPG Bono had his window down. Edge and Adam just waved when they got out. http://twitpic.com/54bzzi

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Hey everyone, do any of you have any spare tickets? @SheisCreeCBC from Canada’s national news network will love you for it! #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

@EdgeFest @hjwallace1 Hope you two aren’t too cold waiting in line. Did you remember your sign?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

@Lunnzies I think BBC normally airs it live.

 via U2gigs (Matkin) in reply to Lunnzies

@SheisCreeCBC There are a couple of spots where you can stand outside and still see the stage/hear the band. Worth trying out.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

@Lunnzies Probably not at this stage. Seems as if they’ve been doing it for the Achtung Baby documentary. Might show up at Glasto though

 via U2gigs (Matkin) in reply to Lunnzies

@pearljamgirl85 Not yet; nobody on stage. Just song being played over PA

 via U2gigs (Matkin) in reply to pearljamgirl85

All indications are that there will be a feed tonight, the first of this North American leg. Stay tuned ;-) #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

U2 not currently on stage. What people can hear are taped versions of The Fly and Magnificent. #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

RT @honey_child: Holy crap, I think my car may be behind U2’s fleet of fancy cars! #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

RT @tony_chiappetta: mexican mofo flashmob at it again. We will not relent till we get full on full band MOFO http://twitpic.com/54b1r7

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

CelticArche @u2gigs We’ve got full instruament sound checks and screen checks!

 via Mobile Web (retweeted on 9:46 PM, May 29th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Drea104 @u2gigs @atu2 Crew doing full instrumental Zooropa, now COBL. During Zooropa were all testing videos from different songs.

 via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 9:45 PM, May 29th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

RT @SheisCreeCBC: Wow! #U2 fever in #Winnipeg is fever pitch high..every U2 album sold out at Polo HMV! #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

The crew is starting to check some songs by the sounds of it. EBTTRT, MW, Elevation, AIWIY, Pride, Zooropa. Thanks @Drea104 #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

This may well be the best cover of Hawkmoon 269 I have ever heard: http://www.youtube.com/w…

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

popartist61 Hmm, looks like one could see the show from the parking lot. ;) RT @hjwallace1 Good morning The Claw! Hi GA! #U2360WPG http://twitpic.com

 via web (retweeted on 6:45 PM, May 29th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

@hugocr10 Nope. The songs was no even rehearsed so far.

 via U2gigs (Matt) in reply to hugocr10

CelticArche @u2gigs It’s 10.30 here. There’s noise comming from the stadium. App 200 people in GA line. #U2360WPG

 via Mobile Web (retweeted on 5:35 PM, May 29th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

The question now is if U2 will be at the stadium or the Burt; and if the latter, will anybody be there to tweet during the day? :-)

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

tony_chiappetta @u2gigs :-) I shot that ;-) that’s my youtube channel and our posse made the MOFO signs( we had ten).

 via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 5:27 PM, May 29th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Hey #Winnipeg, try not to explode with excitement today! What time is it in the world? We’ll be with you all through #U2360WPG!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

@tony_chiappetta Yes, found it via your UTEOTW footage from Winnipeg. Funny idea with so many signs just in front of him :)

 via U2gigs (Matt) in reply to tony_chiappetta

CelticArche @u2gigs GA line at 164. Word has it that they’ll let us in 100 at a time. #U2360WPG

 via Mobile Web (retweeted on 4:13 PM, May 29th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Here is a short clip of the Mofo snippet Bono did in Mexico. You can clearly see a fans Mofo sign right in front of Bono http://u2.gs/ka

 via U2gigs (Matt)

RT @CelticArche: @u2gigs GA line is at about number 90 as of now. They’ve got us qued inside the parking area. #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matt)

Last retweet link is Until The End of The World recorded from outside the Burton Cummings Theatre in Winnipeg.

 via Twitter for iPad

tony_chiappetta @u2gigs @nwox http://www.youtube.com/w…

 via web (retweeted on 1:40 PM, May 29th, 2011  via Twitter for iPad)

RT @hjwallace1: #U2360WPG claw watch: they’re still there working on lighting. Random flashes, checking lighting or something.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

heyjturner Excited to shoot the big shoe tomorrow for @metrowinnipeg @u2gigs I’m also available to play drums if needed.

 via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 5:20 AM, May 29th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

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